
men's gateway

It is possible to win a man’s favor with certain skills in bed. And surprise your lover is simple – just learn how to manage your intimate muscles. You can learn this on your own, if you master a set of exercises – vumbilding (or imbilding).

What is vumbilding?

The art of intimate gymnastics is the ability to control the muscles of the vagina. It needs regular physical activity. Part of it is provided during sex, but for full health such “workouts” are not enough.

Therefore was invented a technique that provides the required load on the pelvic muscles – vumbilding. Its name comes from the abbreviation “VUM” – vaginal guided muscles, and “building” – to build. According to another version, the first part of the name is an abbreviation for “vumen,” a woman.

You should start with simple exercises, and when the art of controlling your body will be mastered, you can buy a simulator.

What are the benefits of vumbilding?

The benefits of training were established at the beginning of the last century by the American obstetrician-gynecologist Arnold Kegel. He taught them to women before and after childbirth. Kegel’s exercises formed the basis of vumbilding. Why do we need this complex? What are its benefits?

Strong pelvic floor muscles – the prevention of many diseases. Imbilding, exercises which are designed to increase the tone of the vaginal muscles, helps to avoid:

  • urinary incontinence in old age;
  • varicose hemorrhoids;
  • uterine prolapse.

Regular intimate exercises during pregnancy can make the labor process easier. Muscles with high tone stretch more easily and allow the organs to take their former position. The blood flow to them increases. This reduces the risk of pelvic inflammatory processes, tumors, normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones.

Improves the outflow of lymph, which is the prevention of infectious diseases. Increased blood flow acts on the nerve endings, the sensitivity of the external genital organs increases.

Performed at home vumbilding, very quickly will help tighten the muscles associated with the vaginal:

  • abdominal abs;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • thighs.

Exercise pushes menopause back by improving the synthesis of sex hormones. Proper hormonal balance promotes the healthy functioning of all internal organs and their systems.

How to perform exercises at home?

  • Intimate complex is gaining popularity, so in every major city there are groups where experienced instructors teach the vaginal muscles. If there is no such center, vumbilding is easy to master on your own.As soon as the technique of classes will be mastered, you should get a special simulator. With his help, it is possible to strengthen intimate muscles as much as possible.For the vumfit technique, use:
  • Vaginal ball. The task of training is to place it in the vagina, making efforts so that it does not fall out.
  • Vacuum trainer. It involves inserting a pump into the vagina for several hours;
  • Weight trainers. A ball placed in the vagina to which a weight is attached.

Before you start exercising with simulators, you should carefully read the instructions for use. The main contraindication is pregnancy. Do not exercise during exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, with pathologies requiring surgical treatment.

With what to start the training?

  • It is necessary to exercise to clasp the anus so that the abs and buttocks remain relaxed;
  • Learn to feel the muscles. To do this, it is worth interrupting urination – that part of the body that tensed up will be sought for further training;
  • Learn how to breathe correctly. Air must reach the abdominal cavity so that the abdomen inflated.
  • Now you can start training:
    • The basic movement is tension followed by relaxation of the entrance of the vagina. It is this part of the body that tenses as much as possible when trying to stop a stream of urine;
    • The second exercise is blinking. Here the anus and the clitoris are tensed alternately.

When the body is stronger, you can start using the vaginal balls, moving it into the vagina. The final stage is the use of weights. You should start with a small weight, to which the vagina should get used to.


Not every exercise will get right away, but persistence and regularity in performing will quickly yield results. You can check the strength of the vagina during intercourse: if you squeeze the man’s penis hard enough, it will not go unnoticed and will give new sensations in sex.



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